Fuel Filter Service in Jackson, Missouri
July 31, 2022
There are a surprising number of small, inexpensive parts that can lead to expensive engine damage when they fail. It doesn't seem right.Fortunately a lot of those things can be taken care of in routine maintenance. They may not be easy to remember because it is a long list, but your service cent... More

The Charlie's Fast Lube Jackson Guide to Tire Specs
July 24, 2022
You know you need new tires, but you're not sure what type. You look at a tire to get the size: 225, 50, R, 16, 92, H. All the way to the Jackson service center you keep repeating it over and over. You even say it over in your mind while waiting in line. Then you get to the counter and the manag... More

Lean Times (Shocks and Springs)
July 17, 2022
You may have noticed your vehicle going through lean times. By that, we mean it's literally leaning to one side. When you notice that, you should get it checked out at your service facility soon because you could have a serious problem. Many things can cause a vehicle to lean. You may have pro... More

Give it the Boot (Ball Joint Boot Replacement)
July 10, 2022
Your vehicle may be wearing boots right now and you might not even know it. They're called ball joint boots. They're actually protective, flexible things that protect parts of your suspension (called ball joints) from all the hazards the road can fling at them. If one of those ball joint boots... More

Charge It in Jackson for Extended Battery Life
July 3, 2022
Here's an interesting statistic for our in Jackson, Missouri, drivers: Only 30 percent of car batteries make it to 48 months. And the life expectancy varies by where you live. It ranges from 51 months in extremely cold areas to just 30 months in extremely hot climates.Why is that? It turns out t... More