Fuel Filter Service in Jackson, Missouri
July 31, 2022
There are a surprising number of small, inexpensive parts that can lead to expensive engine damage when they fail. It doesn't seem right.Fortunately a lot of those things can be taken care of in routine maintenance. They may not be easy to remember because it is a long list, but your service cent... More
The Charlie's Fast Lube Jackson Guide to Tire Specs
July 24, 2022
You know you need new tires, but you're not sure what type. You look at a tire to get the size: 225, 50, R, 16, 92, H. All the way to the Jackson service center you keep repeating it over and over. You even say it over in your mind while waiting in line. Then you get to the counter and the manag... More
Lean Times (Shocks and Springs)
July 17, 2022
You may have noticed your vehicle going through lean times. By that, we mean it's literally leaning to one side. When you notice that, you should get it checked out at your service facility soon because you could have a serious problem. Many things can cause a vehicle to lean. You may have pro... More
Give it the Boot (Ball Joint Boot Replacement)
July 10, 2022
Your vehicle may be wearing boots right now and you might not even know it. They're called ball joint boots. They're actually protective, flexible things that protect parts of your suspension (called ball joints) from all the hazards the road can fling at them. If one of those ball joint boots... More
Charge It in Jackson for Extended Battery Life
July 3, 2022
Here's an interesting statistic for our in Jackson, Missouri, drivers: Only 30 percent of car batteries make it to 48 months. And the life expectancy varies by where you live. It ranges from 51 months in extremely cold areas to just 30 months in extremely hot climates.Why is that? It turns out t... More
How Much is Enough for Jackson Auto Owners? Tire Tread Depth
June 26, 2022
Most Jackson drivers know that tires wear out and that the wear has to do with tread depth. Most of us have heard that bald tires are dangerous, but most of us picture a tire with no tread at all when we think of a bald tire. And when we take our vehicles in for preventive maintenance, the techn... More
A Honking Big Jam (Stuck Horn)
June 19, 2022
At one time or another, most drivers honk their horn at someone who might be texting at a stoplight or not paying attention when they're driving. But what happens when you tap on your horn and all of a sudden it won't quit? Everyone's looking at you like you're an angry jerk and all you want to ... More
Automotive Tips from Charlie's Fast Lube Jackson: When to Replace a Damaged Tire
June 12, 2022
Repair or Replace? Thats a question Jackson drivers ask when they have tire damage. Some punctures cannot be repaired because of their size or location. Punctures larger than a quarter of an inch (6.4 mm) are considered too large to be safely repaired. Punctures in the sidewall or near the should... More
I NEED All Wheel Drive (Pros and Cons of AWD)
June 5, 2022
So winter has arrived and you don't feel confident in how your 2-wheel drive vehicle does in the snow and ice. You envy all those people with all-wheel-drive (AWD) and 4-wheel-drive (4WD) cars, trucks and SUVs. You start thinking, "I need one of those. I'll be able to go anywhere without any w... More
Losing Your Spark (Spark Plug Replacement)
May 29, 2022
When's the last time you thought about spark plugs? You probably don't remember. That's because spark plugs usually last a long time and don't need much attention. But they don't last forever, and when they start going bad, they'll send you a few clues. Vehicle is hard to start. Fuel economy ... More