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Battery Basics for Jackson

October 17, 2021


It's important for Jackson drivers to know battery basics. First, let's talk about which is harder on a battery – hot or cold Missouri weather. Most Jackson area drivers think it's cold weather because that's when we call on our batteries to have enough power to start a cold vehicle engine.

However, heat does more damage to a battery than cold. Truth is, our batteries start to die a little from day one. Keeping a full charge slows the process, which is hard with short Jackson trips because the alternator doesn't have time to fully recharge the battery from starting the engine. Jackson drivers can top off the charge with a computer controlled battery charger – say, once a month in the summer and every three months during the winter.

As far as how long a battery will last, statistics show that 70% have given up the ghost within four years. By that time, they aren't capable of taking a full charge like they used to, and your vehicle alternator has to work overtime to keep up. This causes your alternator to wear out early.

If you're pushing 4 to 5 years on your battery, see your friendly and knowledgeable Charlie's Fast Lube Jackson service assistant for a battery test to see if it's recommended to replace it. Not only can you avoid getting stranded with a dead battery on a Missouri road, but you'll save unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicle alternator.

Give us a call.

Charlie's Fast Lube Jackson
1901 E. Jackson Blvd.
Jackson, Missouri 63755


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